Thursday 12 February 2009

Site Visit Programme

We will have two site visits per month for stakeholders and members of the public. We are limited to the number of people we can get around the site pre-booking is essential. We welcome group visits but would ask for up to four representatives from any one group. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Site visits will take place:

February March
Friday 13 February 2pm Friday 6 March 2pm
Saturday 28 February 10am Saturday 21 March 10am

April May
Friday 3 April 2pm Friday 8 May 2pm
Saturday 25 April 10am Saturday 30 May 10am

June July
Friday 5 June 2pm Friday 3 July 2pm
Saturday 20 June 10am Saturday 25 July 10am

Friday 7 August 2pm
Saturday 22 August 10am

To book your place, please contact Goole Town Council on 01405 763652 or email with your name and telephone number. Alternatively you can fill in the bottom of this letter and return it to us. Unless you hear otherwise, your place is booked and just arrive on the date with warm clothing and sensible footwear. You will be asked to wear a hard hat and a high visability jacket for health and safety reasons.